Emerald Photo Booths ( GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD)

The Provider – Emerald Photo Booths ( GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD)
The Customer – The person booking Emerald Photo Booths for their event.

The following contract and its terms will set forth an agreement between the provider and the customer for the hire of the photo booth and/or other service.

This written contract sets forth the full, written intention of both parties and supersedes all other written and/or oral agreements between the parties.

Service period

This provider agrees to have a Photo Booth operational for a minimum of 80% during this period; operations may need to be interrupted for maintenance of the Photo Booth.


Full payment is due to Emerald Photo Booths (GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD) 30 days before your event. It is a £100 non refundable deposit. If the operator uses the equipment for a time period in excess of the service period agreed to overleaf, the overage in rental time will be billed to the operator at the following rates: £100 per hour. Idle hours are charged at £25 per hour.

Payment for any overage in time must be paid before additional hours are provided.

We reserve the right to charge corporate customers the listed price plus VAT, private photo booth hire customers the listed price inclusive of VAT.

Access, space & power for Photo Booths 

Customer will arrange for an appropriate space for the Photo Booth at event’s venue. (2m x 1.5m’ wide x 2m high).
Customer is responsible for providing power for the Photo Booth.

Date changes & Cancellations

Any request for a date change must be made in writing at least thirty days in advance of the original event date. Change is subject to photo booth availability and receipt of a new booking contract.
If there is no availability for the alternate date, the deposit shall be forfeited and event cancelled.
Any cancellation will forfeit any deposit payment made (£100) or if no deposit made then 20% of the invoice is due if outside the cooling off period (7 days)

In the event that the Customer cancels the event without prior request to the provider, the customer agrees that they are liable for the full payment of the invoice.

Your deposit (£100) is non refundable however we will move your hire date if required.

Your final payment is non refunadable unless Emerald Photo Booths (GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD) do not provide a photo booth hire for you.

In the case of adverse weather conditions and the provider is unable to reach the event then any payment will be hold on account and can be used for an alternative event only. No refund can be given in this case.

Damage to provider’s equipments 

Customer acknowledges that it shall be responsible for any damage or loss to the Provider’s Equipment caused by any misuse of the Provider’s Equipment by Customer or its guests.


Customer agrees to, and understands the following:

a) Customer will indemnify provider against any and all liability related to Customer’s Event during or after Customer’s event.  Customer will indemnify Provider from the time of service and on into the future, against any liability associated with Customer.

b) Customer will indemnify provider against any and all liability associated with the use of pictures taken within the Photo Booth its representatives, employees or affiliates at customer’s event.

c) The video messaging, email, facebook upload, wind machine and props are a free addition to the photo booth hire and if for any reason the free additions are not working or unavailable the customer is not entitled to a refund and accepts this. The same applies for hiring the Magic Mirror if for any reason the props, red carpet, rope barriers, sign feature and touch screen, for any reason, are not working or unavailable the customer is not entitled to a refund and accepts this.

d) In the unlikely event of your digital images being currupt, lost or stolen Emerald Photo Booths (GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD) will compensate up to the total value of £100.

Customer agrees to, and understands the following: All guests using the photo booth hereby give to Emerald Photo Booths (GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD): The right and permission to copyright and use, photographic portraits or pictures and email addresses of any photo booth user who may be included intact or in part, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, trade, or any other purpose. In addition I, hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless Emerald Photo Booths (GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD), from any liability, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy.

Privacy Policy

We, at Emerald Photo Booths ( GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD) Ltd treat the privacy of our visitors with the highest importance. This policy details the measures we take to preserving and safely guarding your privacy when you visit or communicate with our site or personnel.  The Privacy Policy here has been approved and provided by the legal advice resource Legal Centre.

We will not store any credit or debit card details.

A detailed explanation of how we may store or otherwise use personal information about you is explained in this Privacy Policy.

Regular updates of the Privacy Policy are completed, requiring you to check back on this Policy from time to time.

1. Information Collection

Operation of this site may require collection and processing of the following data:

1.1 Visit details to our site or any resources used on our site are not limited to just location and traffic data, weblogs or other communication information.

1.2 Information given to us when you contact us for any reason.

1.3 Data offered by filled out forms on our site, like a registration or purchase.

2. Cookies

Our advertisers and us may have the occasion to collect information in regards to your computer for our services.  The information is gained in a statistical manner for our use or advertisers on our site.

Data gathered will not identify you personally. It is strictly aggregate statistical data about our visitors and how they used our resources on the site.  No identifying personal information will be shared at any time via cookies.

Close to the above, data gathering can be about general online use through a cookie file.  When used, cookies are automatically placed in your hard drive where information transferred to your computer can be found.  These cookies are designed to help us correct and improve our site’s services or products for you.

You may elect to decline all cookies via your computer.  Every computer has the ability to decline file downloads like cookies.  Your browser has an option to enable the declining of cookies.  If you do decline cookie downloads you may be limited to certain areas of our site, as there are parts of our site that require cookies.

Any of our advertisers may also have a use for cookies.  We are not responsible, nor do we have control of the cookies downloaded from advertisements.  They are downloaded only if you click on the advertisement.

3. Your Information and how it is Used

Primarily, we collect and store data about you to help us provide better service and products to you.  The following are purposes we may use your information for:

3.1 At anytime you request information from us via a form or other electronic transmission we may use your information to fulfill that request relating to our services and products.  We may also communicate with you on other products or services you may find of interest, only when consent has been provided.

3.2 Contracts we make with you create a commitment, which may require contact or use of your information.

3.3 We have the right to notify you of changes to our website, products or services that could affect our service to you.

3.4 Information on products or services similar to those of an existing consumer purchase may be communicated to you.  The information sent to you in a communication will be similar to the subject of a recent sale.

3.5 We may also use your information or allow a third party use of this data, to offer you information about unrelated products or services you may be interested in.  We or third parties can only communicate if you have consented to such communication and data use.

3.6 New consumers can be contacted by our website or third parties only if consent has been granted, and only for those communications you have granted.

3.7 An opportunity for declining your consent is provided on our site.  Use this opportunity to withhold your details from us or third parties, regarding data we may collect.

3.8 Be aware we do not reveal identifiable information about you to our advertisers, though we may at times share statistical visitor information with our advertisers.

4. Storage of Personal Data

4.1 The European Economic Area is large, but we may have to transfer data outside of this area.  If data is transferred outside the European Economic Area it will be for storing and processing.  A processing staff operating outside this area may belong to our website or a supplier, in which they can process or store your information.  An example: to process and complete your sale or offer support services we may have to go outside the European Economic Area for the transfer.  When you click submit of your payment details, personal information or other electronic communication you agree to the transfer for storage and processing.  We take all necessary steps for security known to be in agreement with the Privacy Policy found here.

4.2 Information submitted by you is stored on secure servers we have.  Any payment or transaction details will be encrypted for full safety measures to be in use.

4.3 As you know, transmission of data on the internet is never guaranteed regarding safety.  It is impossible to guarantee your safety with electronic data and transmission.  You are therefore at your own risk if you elect to transmit any data.  When offered you may create a password, but you are responsible for keeping it confidential.

5. Information Sharing

5.1 If necessary, we may share personal information to our group members including such entities as subsidiaries, holding companies and their subsidiaries.  Information is shared only when applicable.

5.2 Third party disclosure may be necessary in regards to personal information:

5.2.1 A sale of our business or its assets, in full or part, to a third party may require personal data sharing.

5.2.2 Legally, we may be asked to share and disclose data details.

5.2.3 To assist in reducing credit risk and fraud protection.

6. Third Party Links

Links on our site that belong to third parties may be found.  These websites have their Privacy Policy, which you agree to when you link to the site.  You   should read this third party policy.  We do not accept claims of liability or responsibility in any way for these policies or links, as we have no way to control the third party sites.

7. Accessing Information

The Data Protection Act 1998 provides you with the right to access the information that we collect about you. Please note any demand for access may be subject to a fee of £10 which covers our costs in providing you with the data requested. The contact information below needs to be used to request access about details we collect and store on you.

8. Contacting Us

We welcome any queries, requests you may have regarding this Privacy Policy, or comments. Please do not hesitate and feel free to contact us

Miscellaneous Terms

If any provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable under Contract Law, then that provision, or portion thereof, shall be deemed separate from the rest of this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions, or portions thereof. This is the entire agreement between Provider and Customer relating to the subject matter herein and shall not be modified except in writing, signed by both parties. In the event of a conflict between parties, Customer agrees to solve any arguments via arbitration. In the event Provider is unable to supply a working photo booth for at least 80% of the Service Period, Customer shall be refunded a prorated amount based on the amount of service received (this is £50 per an hour, or the percentage of, using this figure). If we are late we will still honour your run time and if you do not refuse this then no refund is due for our lateness that is out of our control. If you do refuse the time to be made up after the nd of your orginal run time you will be refunded at £50 per hour. Spare equipment will be supplied with the booth subject to availability, wehave the right if needed to use a webcam as a reserve camera and you agree the quality may be less. If the printer fails to print out photos on site the Provider will be allowed to give a web site to the customer where their guests can log onto and order prints free of charge with free postage (there would be no refund due and you accept this). Any formal complaint must be made in writing within 30 days of your event date any outside of this period we be treated as feedback but no monies will be offered. The Free Guest Book offer does not apply to Corporate Events. Emerald Photo Booths ( GOLDEN MOMENTS GROUP LTD) reserves the right to change the booth type without prior acknowledgment and may also out source your event to another company.

We can not be responsible for any inappropriate images being published to our website. All images are stored for a maximum of 90 days – we are not responsible for images that are lost due to not being downloaded by you the client within the 90 days. 

All events in Central London will be subject a CC Surcharge of £75

If no service is received, Provider’s maximum liability will be the return of all payments received from Customer.

Provider is not responsible for any consequential damages or lost opportunities upon breach of this agreement. We hold the right to edit these terms and conditions at any time.