
EMERALD PHOTO BOOTHS Compliance Department is responsible for detecting, preventing and disclosing potential breaches of applicable laws and internal guidelines and policies. One of our company principles is ‘We comply with applicable laws and internal guidelines’. This means having a strong system in place to prevent non-compliance and implement measures to mitigate potential risks.

 Our responsibilities include preventing, deterring and detecting fraud, bribery and other corrupt business practices. EMERALD PHOTO BOOTHS prohibits offers or payments of bribes, kickbacks, or gifts to win or retain business or influence any business decisions. Our colleagues, contractors and business partners are prohibited from offering, providing or accepting money (or anything of value), either directly or indirectly to business partners with a view of obtaining or retaining business, or to gain an improper business advantage.

 Furthermore, we have a stringent Business Partner Compliance process in place to ensure potential business partners are vetted, in accordance with our internal due diligence requirement and legal obligation. This ensures that EMERALD PHOTO BOOTHS enters into relationships with business partners who meet our commercial and ethical requirements.

Lastly, we encourage an open and honest culture and encourage our colleagues, business partners and third parties to speak up and report any potential compliance breaches.